We often moan a lot about Conwy Council but, in my experience, they will sort something out if they are informed about it. So I thought I would draw up this list of email addresses/contact forms for common problems. If you see a problem when you're out and about, please take the time to report it and let us know how you got on here.
Abandoned Vehicles
Online Form: ...dback.asp?stype=vehicle&cat=4533&doc=17389
Phone: 01492 575337
Fax: 01492 575199
Email: environmental.services@conwy.gov.uk
Bus Stops
Phone: 01492 575414
Fax: 01248 681881
Email: bwsconwy@conwy.gov.uk
Dog Fouling
Phone: 01492 575222
Fax: 01492 575204
Email: public.protection@conwy.gov.uk
Flytipping/Dumping of Rubbish
Online Form: ...asp?stype=fly%20tipping&cat=4533&doc=17389
Phone: 01492 575337
Fax: 01492 575199
Email: environmental.services@conwy.gov.uk
Graffiti Removal
Online Form: ...back.asp?stype=graffiti&cat=4533&doc=17389
Phone: 01492 575229
Fax: 01492 575204
Email: communitysafety@conwy.gov.uk
Phone: 01492 575337
Fax: 01492 575199
Email: environmental.services@conwy.gov.uk
Phone: 01492 575491
Fax: 01492 575500
Email: highwaymaintenance@conwy.gov.uk
Online Form: ...=pothole&cat=2790&doc=21832&Language=1
Phone: 01492 575 442
Public toilets
Phone: 01492 575337
Fax: 01492 575199
Email: environmental.services@conwy.gov.uk
Road Traffic Signs
Phone: 01492 575491
Fax: 01492 575500
Email: highwaymaintenance@conwy.gov.uk
Phone: 01492 575491
Fax: 01492 575500
Email: highwaymaintenance@conwy.gov.uk
Highways - Blocked Drain
Phone: 01492 575491
Fax: 01492 575500
Email: highwaymaintenance@conwy.gov.uk
Street cleaning
Phone: 01492 575337
Fax: 01492 575199
Email: environmental.services@conwy.gov.uk
Street Lighting Faults
Online Form: ...etlights.asp?doc=15473&cat=2805&Language=1
Email: streetlighting@conwy.gov.uk
Phone: 01492 575403
Street Nameplates
Phone: 01492 575491
Fax: 01492 575500
Email: highwaymaintenance@conwy.gov.uk
Re: North Wales News
18 minutes ago
Dear Sir / Madam,
Today i saw an abandoned vehicle at the bus stop, next to a large pile of dog foulings. I was disgusted of course and proceeded to see if there was any way of contacting someone to complain about it, so i was looking for possible numbers for the bus company on the bus shelter. As i was doing this, a group of gypsies proceeded in fly tipping on the abandoned car! Can you believe the cheek of it? Then when i voiced my disgust, one of the gypsys wrote on the bus shelter in graffiti! Well, i was outraged and decided to head to the council straight away, through my local park, which to my horror, i found to be vandalised!
All the pavements and footpaths on route to the council, we're coved in pot holes also! As if the day hadnt been bad enough!
I found that i had been walking for a while and needed to stop for the bathroom, but, the public toilets we're in such a foul state i could not use them!
While trying to find a route to the council offices that wasnt full of potholes, i found myself a little bit lost. But all the road signs seemed to be covered in graffiti, missing or altered, changed direction in some way!
By this point i was very annoyed and decided to take a taxi the rest of the way.
The condition of the high way was horrendous! The surfacing was dire and there we're yet more pot holes!
Not only this, we became stuck in traffic after a there was a blocked drain on the highway, causing massive flooding and tailbacks!
I decided to get out of the taxi and walk the rest of th way. I can tell you, by this point i was severely displeased.
The streets the rest of the journey we're disgusting and in dire need of a good clean!
It was getting dark now, and would you believe it, the street lights we're all faulty! If not flickering, they we're off completely!
Eventually, i found myself at the council building. Well, i thought did, but the street name plates had been stolen! So i didnt know for sure where i was. I did find the building in the end, but they we're closed.
Anyway, which department would you suggest i complain to first?
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